So I've left behind all the New Year's Resolution quitters, to keep going strong with my mission to get my bikini body - the healthy way. Since the first day I stepped on the scales I have lost about 20lbs and dropped a dress size, and I'm still motivated.

It's been about 10weeks since I started my resolution, and I'm sure many people who have lost weight don't see that as any big deal, but this is how I see it... how many people lose a lot of weight quite quickly through some fad diet or exercise program, and then within a year or 2 start to pile on the pounds again? The way I am doing it is NOT a diet. I've just adapted my lifestyle to a more balanced one, so I still have sweet treats (in moderation), but I think twice before I eat anything, I read the labels on EVERYTHING (yes shopping takes twice the amount of time than it used to), I make the majority of meals at home (so i can control what goes into the food and how it's prepared), and I've been educating myself to which processed or junk foods I can eat (in moderation) without doing too much damage. I've also been working out more and educating myself about what's right for my body type.

By thinking before I eat, I am slightly more conscious about what I am doing... e.g. Do I really need a second helping of a high carb or high sugar meal? Do I really need that dinner on the menu that has twice the calories of something else I'd enjoy? Do I really need that doughnut that's "staring" at me through the glass display in the coffee shop? Am I really hungry right now or am I just wanting to eat 'cause I'm being a couch potato? How much time would I have to put in the gym to avoid that food doing any "damage"? etc. It wasn't easy at first but over a month I trained my mind to think that way so now it doesn't really take any effort, it's just become a natural reaction when I see food. Then I also make notes every day, through Weight Watchers Online, to keep track of what I eat so if the scales are not too kind to me on weigh in day I can take a look and see where I "cheated".
I won't deprive myself of anything, it more comes down to portion control. For instance, if I have a craving for pizza, I will order it with light cheese or light sauce, and avoid oily meats on it, I may order grilled chicken and spinach for instance... which I love, but then I will also limit myself to 1 or 2 slices, rather than trying to eat most of the pie. If I'm going to eat pasta, I try to have wholegrain, and I only eat a fist size portion (and no second helpings no matter how good it tastes. But I'll try to east it slowly to make it last longer!).
If I want a burger, I use a George Foreman Grill to cook it the leanest way, and if I want cheese on it I'll use a low fat slice, or some mozzarella (which is made with skimmed milk). If I am out and about and want a burger I try to go to a place where they grill the meat rather than fry it. Then sometimes I'll eat it as an open sandwich to save on carbs, or if I'm being really good I'll get it wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun. I also don't have cheese on it (as you'd be amazed how much fat and chemicals can be in "fast food" cheese). Now restaurants are stating the calories in each plate they offer on the menu is also helpful to me for deciding what to order.
By checking the labels on foods when I'm out shopping, I AVOID all products that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (which is in pretty much every type of food in the States), and try pick foods that have minimal ingredients. If the ingredients stated are longer than an average shopping list I will avoid them. I also avoid any foods with hydrogenated oil, high cholesterol and/or high in saturated fats (the fats that can damage your heart and arteries).

By making more of an effort with exercise, I have been feeling a lot fitter, and it helps me sustain energy when I'm out working at an event for long periods of time. I still have a love/hate relationship with the gym, so on the days when I really don't want to experience the sweaty aroma of strangers, I climb the canyons of the Hollywood Hills (and imitate Rocky when I reach the top!), or get my Cardio happening through Zumba (which really can kick your arse). I've also been to some fitness classes at my gym, including the Zumba one, but that is a story for another day. To support my fitness goals I have also started taking supplements to get the most out of my workouts, but also to make sure my muscles are getting fed, so I can tone up while losing fat. I've still got a way to go before I'll be satisfied, but Rome wasn't built in a day, in the same way I didn't put on the weight overnight, I can't expect it to just disappear (though wouldn't that be wonderful?!).
I would say my biggest weakness to work on, currently, are buffets, which I discovered on a recent trip to Vegas. I have managed to make better choices of what I eat if I go to one (which is rare), but I still lack the self discipline to only get 1 plate of goodies. So until I lose another 10lbs I am going to avoid them, and then I will make it my next challenge.
I hope if you are doing something similar to me, it is going well for you. I've received a lot of messages since I started this Blog, so I feel it's good we help each other keep going. And if you did start the year right and gave up, it's not too late to get back on track. Plus the gym is much quieter at this time of the year so it's less chaotic. If you "cheated" and want to give up, then forgive yourself and keep moving, your body can handle a few extra sugars now and again.
We CAN do this... Emily :-)